Saturday 3 August 2013

Week 3/ Photo shoot

These week I started Ultimate Frisbee Club, been a while since I've played, but had a great time and they play twice a week.

In my sculpture class we constructed a Griffin out of scraps in our carpenter shop. I was in charge of the hind legs.

In my photo class we started a new project that has to do with water and light. I picked this photo to base my work off. I rode around 5 miles on friday, all along the beach trying to find an area that I could shoot this HDR type of photo. The best place I found was at the "Spit", this the channel that goes out to the Ocean. While I was there I shot a couple photos of surfers from the break water.

Yesterday I hit up the beach with some friends and had a relaxing day.

Other than that nothing new has happened



  1. I see wetsuits. How cold/warm is the water? See you in a few days.

  2. The water is 65 degrees, every time I've been I haven't needed a wetsuit.
