Monday 29 July 2013

Week 2

This was the first week of classes, I have school Tuesday to Thursday. In Australia you go to lectures then split up and go into tutorial. They grade on a 1-7 grading scale, 7= 85%+, 6= 75%-84%, 5= 65%-74%, and 4= 50%-65%. My art classes, photo and sculpture, seem pretty cool so far. But the two business classes started off pretty boring. Most of the education system is comparable to the Uni's back home, except the grading seems easier.

This weekend I did the Amazing Race: Gold Coast
We ran around the city doing random tasks and answering questions to heighten our knowledge of the area. Came in 4th place, so not too bad. I had to eat my first spoonful of Vegemite when I was chose to do the Mystery Challenge, probably not ever going to eat it again. After the "race" they did a big barbee back on campus, with food snow cones and free massages.
Heres a photo of my group.

Some of you have shown an interest in my residential life. I live in a two story apartment with 3 exchange students from Paris. The other roommate is a girl who keeps to herself and is from Queensland AU. The French are quite loud and constantly smoke. I try to stay out of my apartment because they only speak English if they absolutely need to. My French roommates: Maxim (bottom left), Iuna (top left), and Matilda (top right) and their two friends that are at our flat most of the week.

The Uni Village that I live at is 500 meters away from campus and houses 500 students. I have found that most of the students are international, many from the States and France, but there's also people from India, Norway, Finland ect. The village had a bunch of free events for orientation week, ranging from carnivals, comedians, and multiple barbees. They also have a weekly schedule of events that include free food, cooking lessons, poker night, and free buses to the beach. I have met a lot of new people, but hang out with a lot kids from the states; its easier to speak with them and don't have to explain as many things.

(My Room)

(Cooking Lessons aka free food)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great update. Your panoramic photo of your room makes it look huge! I didn't have Vegemite again after I had small taste of it 20 years ago. Maybe it will grow on you...
