Monday 19 August 2013

Parents Weekend: Sydney

Week 5

Another short week, got back from Cairns on Monday night, few days of classes then flew down to Sydney on Saturday. Met the parents in the airport as the were flying in from Hamilton Island. The first day/night we walked around the city, of course the first stop was the Opera House. This building is such an amazing site, from the lines of rooftops, to the glow it gives off at night.

From there we went off to Darling Harbor, were we saw a crazy street performer who juggled a chainsaw. Then got entertained by a great band who played their own version of Thrift Shop. Sat down listened to some music and then watched the fireworks over the Harbor.

After the parents called it a night I bounced and went back to the Opera house and took some photos of it at night (I will upload these once they are edited). Probably spent 3 hours out there photographing the Opera house and the Sydney Harbor Bridge.

The next day we went to a tent market in the basement of a mall, here we found the cheapest souvenirs and made sure to stock up. From there we took the ferry back to the Opera house and went to the Sydney Botanical Gardens. Walked through there to the Gallery of New South Wales (this is the state that Sydney is in). There was a lot of pieces that I liked here, but my favorite was the painting of Milton Sound, in New Zealand. I liked this the best because I will be seeing this for myself at the end of next month! I also liked this metal statue man, this gave me some ideas for my sculpture class, because I have to create something similar.

This was pretty much the end of our activities for the day. Like the night before, I went out and shoot the bridge and opera house. I took the ferry to a spot that I was eyeing and used my new tripod, that I pick up at the market that day, to take some better photos (coming soon). I stayed out until my camera battery died, what a shame, then headed back to the hotel.

The last day in Sydney we took a ferry to Manly beach. Here we rented bikes and rode up and down the beach front. We dismounted the bikes and went for a short hike along the beach, this soon turned into bouldering rocks. Once that was done we went back to Manly and continued window shopping. Here Dad got his birthday present, an Aboriginal art painting. Then we hoped on the ferry and headed back to the city. Packed then got on the train back to the Gold Coast.

Had a great time in Sydney, and it was amazing to see the parents one last time.

Word of the week: Keen
Meaning: Ready to go, pumped, amped.
"Are you keen to go to the beach?"


  1. Great pics! Thanks for making sure that most of our adventures were documented...

  2. Love the pics! looks like your having a great time!
