Tuesday 22 October 2013

Short Update

Hello There,

Since I got back from New Zealand I have just been relaxing. Classes are just review for the finals, which I have to take two of. Turned in my sculpture project, spent over 120 hours on the whole thing, not to pleased with the outcome, though it's the first time I had to work with metals. I'll throw a photo of the finished piece up when I get it back, just think of this guy but with copper instead of paper. He ended up a little unproportional.

Photography final also was just handed in. This was about Domestic Bliss, I shot at the Auckland Boat Show, and Photoshoped in different landscapes for the background. Again, not anything special, but it was fun to shoot on boats, and could see myself expanding on it.

On a different note, I will be traveling!
This Friday I am leaving out of the country. First stop Phuket, South Thailand. From there, going to the Phi Phi Islands to spend a couple nights. Next place I will be is Bali, staying 4 days in Bali (including Halloween). And to wrap up the trip I will visit Singapore for two days. Kind of threw this trip together last minute, but heaps of help from the on campus travel agent.
If anyone has been to these places and wants to give any input on what to do and what not to do, please comment or email me.
 Phi Phi Island

Bali (Kuta)


Hope y'all are enjoying the cold weather, these 80˚ days are getting monotonous.

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